There are many things that I learned in English 102. I learned how to take readings more deeply. I never did that in middle school. I never really liked to read back in high school. Now, taking the course I can understand poems way better than I could back in High school. I always struggled with those and never understood what I read in high school. I have read the Cask of Amontillado over about three or four times. I never really understood it until I read it again in college. It had a theme of revenge and death for Fortunado. I can improve from what I used to be and be better than that now on. I always struggled but from this class I can definitely do better.
The class overall changed how I view literature. I never really liked it before. Now, I can improve and do better when it comes to writing essays. I thought my essays were good enough but now the class should I need a whole lots of improvement in my writing. I need to revise and go to the writing center often so I can be a better writer when it comes to writing essays. I liked all the poems that we read in class and that means a lot because I never really liked poems back in high school. I thought I would never understand any of these poems but I just need to take it line by line. Hopefully, I can do better in the future.
I do not really know where I see myself in the future but I'll figure it out before next semester. I know I can do great things but I need to work harder and better for my future. I do not see myself as a writer but who knows what happen in the future. I can take reading would definitely be doing more often in my spare time. I never liked to read but the class had open my eyes to new meanings and I thought I could never be the person to read a book at all.
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